Sherry Kappel
1 min readOct 26, 2018


I get it. But while an excess of white women might just be status quo to people of color, it does matter to me when they put someone on who is outright offensive and still representative of “me” in some way. And I know that networks and such often do “token placements,” as you put it, but they’ve found some excellent people — everyone you named, for example — who were as good as or better than any white option they had, and they need to realize that there are plenty of us white people who like them, too.

You know what else? Networks have long been very careful about taking “risks” with what they’ll show, but — without getting into the pluses and minuses of each — shows as far back as The Jeffersons, Good Times, The Cosby Show, and A Different World all demonstrated that there is a white audience for black casts. Then when cable started pushing content boundaries, they proved that most shows with a talented cast and writers will work. So the networks need to get on with reality and pick the best person for the job — who most definitely was not Megyn Kelly.

On the other hand, kittens and puppies?! ❤



Sherry Kappel

Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.