If you support the ban on Muslims, you are not a fucking Christian. You are not moral at all.

Sherry Kappel
2 min readJan 29, 2017

Right now I am so angry I can hardly keep from crying. One week into Trump’s dictatorship and he has managed to hurt 90% of Americans whether they realize or admit to it or not. The ban on Muslims is beyond evil. Let’s be 100% clear:

  • A person’s skin color is irrelevant to their value as a person. All of them. Every color. And too many people of color have been abused for too long. Black lives DO matter.
  • Women are as good as men and deserve control over their bodies, their careers and their lives. Period.
  • Allah = God.
  • When you steal from the environment, you’re stealing from your own children.
  • Native Americans were here first by definition; we backed them into little pieces of the worst land in the country and we need to stop stealing what little bit they have left.
  • Mexicans are also God’s children, and furthermore they will not be paying for the wall; the cost will be passed on to Americans. Billions. Think about that if you’re cheering on the wall.
  • Everybody needs health care coverage at some point. Nobody asks for a chronic condition. Nobody is more deserving than anybody else. It’s somebody else’s problem until it happens to you, but it will.
  • LGBTQs are a natural phenomenon, and deserve the same rights as everyone else. Who cares who someone sleeps with as long as they’re of age and consenting?

Right now Muslims are being slaughtered in huge numbers, and America the Beautiful is just spitting on them. Is that what we call being Great? Please define Great. Whatever happened to “Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”? It may be Muslims needing refuge now, but not that long ago it was our parents or our grandparents. And the seven countries Trump is targeting? Not even on the radar as far as crimes in America go. Check the stats.

This is not about liberals vs. conservatives or Republicans vs. Democrats. Again, to be clear: this is about right vs. wrong. Being the person you claim to be on Sundays. Caring about someone other than yourself.

Please don’t bother replying if you disagree with any of this. I’ve already been called every kind of liberal, informed that every source of reality is fake news, ensured that Black Lives Matter is a Democratic conspiracy, and been told to go “make me a sandwich” — and that was just in the last three days. If you don’t care about anyone that isn’t an exact copy of yourself, you are not a moral human being. God does not love you, you are a tool of the devil. Jesus would be appalled by you, you missed everything he ever taught. And I’m getting really tired of making nice with people who have no interest in making nice back. You can spout whatever alternative facts you wish, but it does not change reality.



Sherry Kappel

Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.