Sherry Kappel
2 min readMay 30, 2018


My article is about the type of person who becomes a school shooter, and the type of culture he almost always comes from. It was not about politics, it was not about All gun owners, and it only lightly touched on gun control. Do I have opinions on gun control? Sure — but that’s all they are, since we’ve made unbiased research difficult here in the US, and I’m not against gun ownership per se. There is certainly data like Iceland’s which suggests that responsible gun ownership can work. The key there is “responsible,” and the people my article is actually about, are not.

When I said that I read everything I can find, it’s absolutely the truth. If you’d really read my comment, it would be clear that I must have read BJ Campbell’s article in order to respond as I did. While he may be an awesome guy as you suggest (he certainly did his homework), his comment had virtually nothing to do with my article.

On the other hand, you chose to ignore my polite engagement with other respondents with whom I might have little in common. I don’t have to agree with someone on every point in order to have a good discussion and possibly learn from them. Stu Chisholm, for example, clearly knows a lot more about guns than I do (and Stu, sorry I haven’t responded to your latest comments yet — been traveling!).

I am angry, yes. In addition to dead kids at increasing frequency, every other kid in America is scared to go to school. Am I filled with hate? No. In fact, go back and read the core of my article. Hate is the biggest part of the problem. Not listening is part of the problem. You can rag on me all you want, but I’m a nobody in the grand scheme of things and meanwhile kids are continuing to die unnecessarily. Maybe you should rethink your focus here and be the person you claim to be in one of your own articles.



Sherry Kappel

Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.