Sherry Kappel
1 min readMar 22, 2017


Okay, the first one I would have found questionable, but the second would have been fine — from a guy at least. (KIDDING! About the guy part…I would have been fine with it period.) I’ll grant you that #3 wins. :-D

What scares me is how you’ll see two people here comment on each other’s stuff a lot and be all friendly for months, and then jump down each other’s throat over what is often just a misunderstanding. I try to consider the history and cut people some slack with or without those visual cues, because you’re right — you never know…

So all that said, I did come up with a single suggestion: “A conversation with my husband” from Deb! Maybe even one of the same conversations, from the other side of the table!



Sherry Kappel

Looking for the Kind in Humankind. Heart currently Code Blue.